Lissa Underhill — Learning How to Paint Pottery Using Minoan Designs

Name: Lissa Underhill Location: Hartshorn-dale East Kingdom Wiki: Category: Ceramics Historical Photo: A photo of red, black and white cups has been floating around on social media for the past few years. These cups are thousands of years old but also appear strangely modern in design in some ways. After seeing these cups, how... Continue Reading →

Aislinn Ysobel d’Argentan — Fiber Preparation and Spinning Study

Name: Lady Aislinn Ysobel d'Argentan Local Group: Shire of Hartshorn-dale EK Wiki Link: Category: Fiber Arts This project is in the beginning phase. My plan is to experiment with various combinations of fiber preparation and spinning tools/methods using the same fleece to see if there is any noticeable difference between period and modern tools and methods. I originally... Continue Reading →

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