Judge Certification Program

The East Kingdom is currently conducting an experiment in judge certification for the East Kingdom rubric to create a pool of well-trained judges for the East Kingdom Arts & Sciences Champions Competition. 

To become a certified judge, please complete the following steps:

  1. Watch or attend a full East Kingdom rubric class
  2. Watch or attend Consent in A&S
  3. Act as a shadow judge for one champs. This last requirement may be waved at the discretion of the Minister of Arts & Sciences, especially as we work to gather a critical mass of certified judges
  4. Certified judges must re-take a rubric class every four years to maintain certification

Online versions of Consent in A&S and the East Kingdom rubric classes are available in the East Kingdom MOAS Playlist.

Please note that attendance of a rubric class is already a requirement for judging in EK A&S champs, and that shadow judging is already strongly recommended. What this process does is officially codify our current process and add consent in A&S and re-certification.

At this time, the certification process is for the Kingdom A&S championship competition *only.* We cannot certify for other competitions, as they have different procedures.

Anyone interested in becoming a certified judge should contact the Kingdom and Deputy MoAS with their intention to become a certified judge.

Anyone who has completed these steps within the last four years is eligible for certification. To apply for “back certification,” please email the Kingdom Minister of Arts & Sciences. Back certification will be issued at the discretion of the Kingdom MoAS and is not guaranteed.

Certification may be revoked if a judge exhibits poor behavior, including but not limited to: unkind or unhelpful commentary, clearly biased judging, failure to disclose conflicts of interest with competition entrants.

Please note that this is an active experiment, which may or may not become permanent. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we investigate ways to improve the A&S competition experience for everyone involved.

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