MoAS Officer Reports
NEW! Reports are moving from quarterly to twice-yearly, on June 1 and December 1.
MoAS reporting is done via online Google Forms. Things to know:
- You must be logged into your East Kingdom account to submit the report. (If you are having issues accessing your EK mail, please contact the webministry for assistance.)
- There is a separate report for each region – make sure to use the correct one for your region!
- You’ll automatically be emailed a copy of your report, which you can then forward to your branch seneschal, baron/ess, officers, or others according to your branch bylaws & customs.
- If you receive an error message “You need permission”: this usually means you are logged into another Google account as well as your EK account in the same browser. The easiest way to get around this problem is to open a new “incognito” or “private” browser window, and log into your EK account in that window. If you still have issues after trying this, please contact the MOAS Webminister for assistance.
- If you’d like to include a file of any kind (photos, etc.), please do the following:
- Upload it to your EK Google Drive. It can be in your personal Drive, or your branch’s Team Drive – whatever makes the most sense for your circumstances.
- Share the file with “” (this will automatically send a notification to the Minister)
- Mention it in your report!
Tir Mara Report Form
Northern Region Report Form
Central Region Report Form
Southern Region Report Form
EK Guild Activity Reports
Reports are due the first of the month, in June and December. (Royal Guilds must submit reports or you risk your status as a Royal-chartered guild.)