One of the richest resources for Viking Age textiles is the Oseberg Ship. For this project I was inspired by extents found in the following article: The textiles in the Oseberg ship By Anne Stine Ingstad I had the pleasure of joining a Forest Court event at the end of 2022. One of my favorite... Continue Reading →
Katrein Topffer – The Landing of the Danes
I chose to try making my own paint for the first time. I have painted with acrylics and oils for years, but always ready made. I recently started working on illuminated cards and painting with gouache, again ready made. I just have never been able to try to make my own paint from the raw... Continue Reading →
Eadric de Coldwood – Viking age Pottery – c. 900
Although wheel thrown (and hand built) pottery can be found throughout most of Asia and Europe by 900 AD there are few Viking examples as they chose to make their tableware using wood and/or stone. Most pottery found in Denmark was simple, coiled, functional pottery made of low-fire earthenware. While hand-built pottery was the norm... Continue Reading →
Marcella Falquez – Less than Peaceweavers: Viking and Saxon Women and Bloodfeuds
“Less than Peaceweavers” is my entry for Lissa Underhill’s HERstory challenge. In keeping with the theme of bloodfeuds in the Viking/Saxon borderlands, I chose to research women’s participation in bloodfeuds in both Viking and Saxon cultures. While in both cultures, women were generally not expected to openly participate in combat, they had important roles in... Continue Reading →
Call for a Tir Mara Deputy Minister of Arts and Sciences/Appel aux Volontaires pour le Ministre des Arts et des Sciences de Tir Mara
(traduction Française à la fin)Greetings! After many years of service our current Kingdom Deputy MOAS for Tir Mara is stepping down. This role is a point person for local A&S ministers, helps foster A&S activities in Tir Mara, and manages A&S reports for the region. For those in Tir Mara, if you are interested in... Continue Reading →