Location: Shire of Mountain Freehold Wiki: https://wiki.eastkingdom.org/wiki/Guðrún_Sveinsdóttir SCA Blog:https://gudrunsmusings.wordpress.com How Did This Project Come About? This is my first attempt at making a coil basket. This project was inspired by the basket-making videos of Sally Pointer, a historical reenactor from England who does "hedge-bothering" (foraging) and a variety of naturally-sourced projects. While my own basket is... Continue Reading →
Isabel del Okes – Girdle Book
Girdle books are an interesting type of late medieval binding. The cover of the book includes a long tail at the bottom of the book, which allows the book to be tucked into a belt (girdle) for easy transportation of the book. The tail can be left loose, gathered into a knot, sewed onto a... Continue Reading →
Crown’s Arts & Sciences Competition and Display 2022
Welcome to our East Kingdom Online A&S Championship and Display! Below you will find all of our entrants grouped into art categories alphabetically. We have 22 entries in total this year, and more that will be seen at the in-person display at Aisles of Marche on March 5th! Our finalists are listed in bold. Calligraphy,... Continue Reading →
A&S Championships Registration Open!
The MOAS Office and our current champions are excited to announce details for this year’s Crown’s A&S Championships! As previously shared, this will be held in a hybrid format, with the first round of judging done remotely and the finals done in-person (with remote options possible), at Aisles of Marche and Crown A&S Championships in... Continue Reading →
Third East Kingdom Online A&S Display
Welcome to our Third East Kingdom Online A&S Display! Our Eastern Artisans have shared their art with us, please enjoy! Show your support by leaving positive comments or questions (no critical/constructive feedback please – artisans who were looking for that are being connected directly with other artisans in their field) on their pages! Bookbinding Jenevra... Continue Reading →