Meet the Crown’s A&S Champions!

The MOAS Office is pleased to share these introductions to our new King's and Queen's Champions of Arts & Sciences, shown in the photo above with Corotica on the left and Ysabel on the right. King's Champion: Corotica merkkā Senebelenae (AKA Clovis) Pronounced: Car-ah-teak-uh merk Sen-eh-bell-ahn-uhPronouns: She/Her. A little about me: heavy fighter (Northern Army... Continue Reading →

A&S Championships Registration Open!

The MOAS Office and our current champions are excited to announce details for this year’s Crown’s A&S Championships!  As previously shared, this will be held in a hybrid format, with the first round of judging done remotely and the finals done in-person (with remote options possible), at Aisles of Marche and Crown A&S Championships in... Continue Reading →

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