Ninkasi Ale, circa 1800 BCE – Vindiorix Ordovix

Image: Tablet of the Hymn to Ninkasi East Kingdom Wiki page: This beverage is a recreation of a Sumerian ale based on the Hymn to Ninkasi, Goddess of Brewing. The hymn is from Sumer, circa 1800 BCE and serves as both a prayer to the goddess and a chant by which to recall the recipe... Continue Reading →

Travelling Outfit: A Journey – Japanese late Heian period (12th century) – Sugawara no Naeme

East Kingdom Wiki: Full documentation: Noblewomen of the Heian era of Japan (794-1185) were rarely seen in public, remaining at home behind screens and curtains, hidden from the view of almost everyone outside of her female attendants and husband. Venturing out to a shrine or temple would be one of the only reasons... Continue Reading →

A Dance Duel Recreation – Hermankyn For more videos see: I first came upon the idea of a dance duel in a conversation with Dr. Emily Winerock (Dance Historian, Guest of Honor, Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIII). On her advice, I found a book "The Art of Dancing in Seventeenth-Century Spain: Juan De Esquivel Navarro and His... Continue Reading →

The Evolution of Zoomorphic Penannular brooches – Roibeard mac Neill mhic Gille Eoin

East Kingdom Wiki: This Presentation by THL Roibeard mac Neill covers the historical and stylistic evolution of Zoomorphic Penannular Brooches, a type of Brooch only found in the Insular Art of the British Isles, primarily Ireland. Full documentation available here:

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