Kira Asahi – Japanese Court Garb

Item: Japanese Court Garb - Junihitoe Lady's Japanese court garb, a “junihitoe” (12-layer garment) including a hand embroidered karaginu (jacket) of my device. This outfit was established in the Heian era (800-1185), but continues to be used for court functions today. This set would be worn from mid-spring through early summer, based on the construction... Continue Reading →

Marguerite inghean Lachlainn – Research Paper

Item: Elephants in the Army: a research paper in progress. East Kingdom Wiki Link: I stumbled across a reel from blogger John Rossi who was drumming with an elephant named Emily at the Buttonwood Park Zoo . He had the drum on the ground and was playing with drumsticks. When he took a pause... Continue Reading →

Lydia Webbe – Tablet Woven Trim

Item: Tablet Woven Trim and dyed yarns East Kingdom Wiki Link: For this project, I'm digging into the rabbit hole of the Haithabu bag handles. I’m starting with a few components for my interpretation of a possible bag made from handwoven fabric. The completed bag will be shared in the near future.  My goal here... Continue Reading →

Odd Torfhímir – Bone Nålbinding Needle

Item: Bone nålbinding needle with hand warmers done in Mammen stitch Instagram: @mylkwyrm Since I was a teenager I've been collecting and cleaning bones when I can, though I couldn't tell you why besides that it feels right to take them in. I was mulling this over on the way home from a Great North-Eastern War when a... Continue Reading →

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