Greetings! The MoAS Office has taken steps over the past several years to try to make the Crown's A&S Championship competition more accessible for a wider variety of entrants. I want to take a moment to talk about these efforts, some of which you might be familiar with, and some of which might be new... Continue Reading →
Question for the A&S “Minister: How can we make A&S feedback more effective”?
Recently, the MoAS office has debuted a class called Consent in A&S: giving and receiving feedback. At the moment, we are still working on piloting that class a bit more before we make the notes from it publicly accessible online. However, I wanted to take a question that came up at one of those classes... Continue Reading →
On whether to enter Crown’s A&S Championships
Question for the A&S Minister: "Should I enter A&S Championships?" ... Well, that’s something artisans really need to figure out for themselves. Read this post to hep you to figure out what is the right answer for you.