Welcome to our Fourth East Kingdom Online A&S Display! Our Eastern Artisans have shared their art with us, please enjoy! Show your support by leaving positive comments or questions (no critical/constructive feedback please – artisans who were looking for that are being connected directly with other artisans in their field) on their pages! Clay Christian... Continue Reading →
We’ve Always Been Here: Queer History through the Ages
June 30- A Word about Erasure We have arrived at the end of the month, and over the course of the past 30 days we have been introduced to stories about a wide range of queer people from history. Some were closeted, others were not; some were names that would be familiar to many SCAdians,... Continue Reading →
Fourth Online Kingdom A&S Display: Call for Items, Due Tuesday, May 31!
Greetings Easterners! The MOAS office is so excited to announce the date of our Fourth Online Kingdom A&S Display, Sunday, June 5. To be a part of this next round please submit your information by Tuesday, May 31. It’s spring! Time to dust off old unfinished projects and imagine new projects. Show us your color,... Continue Reading →
Meet the Crown’s A&S Champions!
The MOAS Office is pleased to share these introductions to our new King's and Queen's Champions of Arts & Sciences, shown in the photo above with Corotica on the left and Ysabel on the right. King's Champion: Corotica merkkā Senebelenae (AKA Clovis) Pronounced: Car-ah-teak-uh merk Sen-eh-bell-ahn-uhPronouns: She/Her. A little about me: heavy fighter (Northern Army... Continue Reading →
Lydia Katerin of Brus – Viking-inspired Handfasting Ensemble
For your consideration, this is a viking inspired handfasting ensemble. The undergown is a t-tunic, with a smokkr, and hand-spun hand-woven apron panel. This project started because I had recently fallen in love with spinning cheviot fiber from my favorite indie dyer. After a little digging into the breed’s history, I found the cheviot sheep can be traced back to these time periods and regions. I then looked... Continue Reading →