Walnut-Dyed Wool Tunic and Yarn – Guðrún Sveinsdóttir (aka Rosie)

East Kingdom Wiki:  https://wiki.eastkingdom.org/index.php?title=Guðrún_SveinsdóttirThis project was my first experiment with using Viking-era dyeing techniques. My husband needed cold-weather garb for his Viking-era Forester's Guild kit, so I decided that it would be the perfect project to experiment with dyes. I chose walnut husks because the color is a good one for our Forester's kit, and I knew... Continue Reading →

6th century Frankish-Merovingian Brooch Set – Art as Service – Cailleach Dhe ingen Chiarain

East Kingdom Wiki: https://wiki.eastkingdom.org/index.php?title=Cailleach_Dh%C3%A9_ingen_Chiar%C3%A1in ​​Inspired by the casting work of another SCAdian, I fell in love with a 6th Century Merovingian whorl brooch that I found on Pinterest. This has led me down a path of learning sculpting, pewter casting, and A&S research for the SCA during these crazy times.  This display is a culmination... Continue Reading →

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