Itztlacoliuhqui; The Aztec God of Winter, Weaving A Legend – Chana Freidl the Maker

orThis Dude Has the Longest Name, Why Did I Decide To Weave It? East Kingdom Wiki: Blog - As a maker, I am always looking for new and interesting projects to work on.  My Baronial A&S Championship provided this opportunity in 2019 when I competed with a woven band based on an Aztec... Continue Reading →

Filling In The Gaps: Using a modern pattern analysis technique to identify and correct errors in a period pattern book – Rosina von Schaffhausen

Here's a link to the 16th century German brocaded tablet weaving book that I analyzed: This video explains how to do the modern pattern analysis technique I used in this project. Abstract:  It is common among SCA artisans to talk about a period aesthetic as opposed to modern aesthetics.  For this research project, I... Continue Reading →

Visby #3 Gauntlet – Phillipus Taber

A few hundred meters from the southern gates of Visby on the Swedish isle of Gotland is a limestone cross with the inscription "Anno Domini MCCCLXI feria III post jacobi ante portas wisby in manibus danorium ceciderint Gutness hic sepulti. Orate pro eis." Translated to english, it reads: “In the year of Our Lord 1361,... Continue Reading →

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