A Short Treatise on Process

"Process — having a goal, stating a plan of action, charting the steps, acquiring knowledge and resources for each step, and keeping a record as you execute each step.... I take the most pleasure in the A&S process itself and I am writing this treatise in an attempt to seduce you into this calling"

EK “Try”athalon

Each week the MoAS office will feature a new introductory level A&S project that can be completed using minimal materials and common materials you can find at home. If you have the time and energy, consider participating and trying something new.

Want to teach an online class, but need help?

The Ministry of Arts & Sciences would like to encourage our artisans to explore using Google Meet as an option to create online A&S classes for our Kingdom.

Do you have a class that you could teach online, maybe a lecture on your research, a demonstration of a technique, a crafting skill to teach that people would have supplies on hand to learn at home? We would love to support you in running it as an online class!

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