Sarah le Payller – Learning Oslo Stitch

Name: Sarah le PayllerWiki: Materials used: 100% wool yarn from my stash, purchased bone naalbinding needle These are my first attempts at learning the Oslo naalbinding stitch. Naalbinding is one of those arts that I have attempted several times, but this time it clicked! I took a class with Abu-Darzin Ibrahim al-Rashid at Nova Schola,... Continue Reading →

Phelippe Le Vigneron – 14th Century English Mead

Name: Phelippe Le VigneronWiki: Blog Link: (Process explanation and documentation forthcoming) Greetings fellow artisans! I am thrilled to present my ongoing adventure into the delightful world of 14th-century English mead. Inspired by the works of Petrus Peregrinus from Tractatus de Magnete et Operationibus Eius, I’ve embarked on a quest to recreate his extant... Continue Reading →

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