Aislinn Ysobel d’Argentan — Fiber Preparation and Spinning Study

Name: Lady Aislinn Ysobel d’Argentan

Local Group: Shire of Hartshorn-dale

EK Wiki Link:

Category: Fiber Arts

This project is in the beginning phase. My plan is to experiment with various combinations of fiber preparation and spinning tools/methods using the same fleece to see if there is any noticeable difference between period and modern tools and methods. I originally planned to acquire fleece from as close to a period sheep breed as possible, but I recently purchased three pounds of beautiful, washed Corriedale fleece.

The fiber preparation methods I am using are combing, carding with hand cards, carding with a drum carder, and flick carding individual locks. I plan to spin the yarn using supported and suspended spindles, spinning in hand with a distaff, using a Great Wheel, a double-drive flyer wheel, and an electric spinner.

Other than the obvious difference between woolen and worsted preparations and spinning methods, I don’t expect there to be much difference between the yarn produced by the various combinations of preparation and spinning tools. I do expect to discover which methods I prefer to use, at least for this type of fleece.

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