Amalie von Hohensee – Adventures in Bobbin Lace

Name: Amalie von Hohensee, OL

My main focus in the A&S world over the past several years has been embroidery. However, the East Kingdom’s embroidery guild happens to have several categories related to lace. While the laces covered by this guild all fall under the category of “embroidered laces,” working on these laces inspired me to explore other lacemaking techniques, which led me to explore bobbin lace.

Since metal threads have been my focus in embroidery, I also wanted to explore metal threads in the context of bobbin lace. Interestingly, many early bobbin laces were made with metal threads, so while metal threads laces are not commonly seen by modern practitioners of the craft, this area of inquiry made sense to follow in the context of the SCA-era bobbin lace.

This A&S project displays my first foray into bobbin lace. The narrow linen lace was my first completed lace piece, using a very simple pattern from Gilian Dye’s Introduction to Bone Lace. The gold and silver metal thread lace was my second lace project and my first experiment with metal thread and spangles. The larger linen lace is an ongoing project that will complete an Athena’s Thimble project I’m currently working on. The silk and metal thread piece is my first attempt to chart my own lace based on an extant piece, taken from a late 16th century Italian smock at the MET museum.

To view my documentation, click here

To view more photos of this project, click here

2 thoughts on “Amalie von Hohensee – Adventures in Bobbin Lace

  1. Thanks for sharing! This is some great information about early bobbin lace, as well as lovely work.

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