Novice November Artisan Spotlights

Every Wednesday during the month of November, we will be featuring beginner projects from established artisans in the A&S community. Every artisan, no matter how advanced, was a beginner at some point in their A&S journey. We hope this blog series will encourage you to be gentle with your first tries! Today’s featured artisans are:... Continue Reading →

Bloodfeud in the Danelaw Challenge: 2023

This year, for Bloodfeud in the Danelaw, we had a series of Laurels' challenges. You can view the challenges here, and the amazing displays below. Thank you to all of our skilled artisans! HERstory Marcella Falquez - Less than Peaceweavers: Viking and Saxon Women and Bloodfeuds Make it with FIRE Eadric de Coldwood - Viking... Continue Reading →

Guidelines for Online Display Entries

Please observe the following guidelines when submitting your work for on online display. Online display submissions should be directed to our online display deputy, Richard Heyworth, at You will need to submit: Display Information - Details of your entry to be shared on your entrant page (can be short or long). Must be in... Continue Reading →

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