Phelippe Le Vigneron – 14th Century English Mead

Name: Phelippe Le VigneronWiki: Blog Link: (Process explanation and documentation forthcoming) Greetings fellow artisans! I am thrilled to present my ongoing adventure into the delightful world of 14th-century English mead. Inspired by the works of Petrus Peregrinus from Tractatus de Magnete et Operationibus Eius, I’ve embarked on a quest to recreate his extant... Continue Reading →

Documentation: Why Bother?  (part 5)

Part 5: Documentation as Courage This will be the last post in our series on the Virtues of documentation.  Throughout this series of posts we’ve used the virtues associated with the peerage orders of the SCA as a lens to look at documentation.  The last virtue we’ll discuss is courage.   As one of the main... Continue Reading →

Aaradyn Ghyoot – A Page in 5 Parts

Item: A Page in 5 Parts East Kingdom Wiki Link: Reference Manuscript: My blog: In 2018 I embarked on a project to understand how vellum worked as a ground, how the materials I was already very familiar with worked on the most used ground in period, and how my process would have to change... Continue Reading →

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