Sarah le Payller — Bayeaux Embroidery

Name: Sarah le Payller

Location: Shire of Hartshorn-dale

EK Wiki:

Category: Fiber Arts

Entry: Samples of beasts from the border of the Bayeux Tapestry. Made with wool thread on linen fabric.

The Bayeux Tapestry is a very impressive and very famous tapestry. The extant portion is 232 feet long, between 18 and 20 inches high, and tells the context and events of the Battle of Hastings in 1066. On both the top and bottom of the tapestry are borders, which include a variety of beasts. My pieces are copies of some of these beasts. 

I wanted to learn this stitch so that I could teach it at Shire Wars 2016, which was held nine hundred and fifty years after the Battle of Hastings, nearly to the day. I took a couple of classes at Pennsic, and read a few of the many books written about the Tapestry and the Battle of Hastings.

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