Name: Ygraine of Kellswood
A reliquary, made by Mistress Ygraine of Kellswood, during the Summer of 2023, to hold
soil from the site of the Barony’s first SCA event 50 years ago.
Reliquaries were made in all shapes and sizes, some even representing the relic
held inside – like a saint’s arm, hand, foot, etc. The church-shaped ones are called
chasses. The chasses come in a wide range of dimensions; most have “feet” of
various shapes, but some do not; many are sealed, but most can be opened, with or
without locks. I have always wanted to make an enameled reliquary in the style of
those made in Limoges, France, in the 13th and 14th centuries. To do so would
require me to improve my champlevé enameling and to work in a larger scale than
my usual jewelry pieces; I would also need to acquire or make the underlying
wooden container. For Carolingia’s Reliquary, I have included common features
of chasses of the period, such as the decorative roof ridge. I found several images
of chasses with a fold-down side panel, for viewing the relics, and I thought this
would work well if the Carolingian soil was contained behind glass.
Full Documentation Here:–OnG2ll5p_fn-yQ?usp=sharing
Marvelous work! As a one-time resident of Carolingia, I appreciate this. Thanks for sharing it.