A&S officers, reports, and Recognition

A question to the Kingdom A&S Minister, Master Philip White:

“Getting mentioned on the A&S Officer reports means I will get recognized, right?”

A reply from the Minister:

We love to hear about everyone and everything on A&S reports.

We want to learn about individual projects. We want to read about group activities. We want to hear about guilds and displays and competitions. We want to hear about collegia and workshops. We want to learn about classes or largesse projects.

We want to hear that people are having fun together, are learning from each other, and are teaching each other.

All of this goes into an A&S report for administrative purposes.

The A&S officers are helping track the health of groups through arts and sciences activities. We’re looking to see if people need support or help within the organization. We’re looking to see how one group might help out a neighboring group. We want to share successes and foster the arts.

Our primary goal when we do these reports is not to provide recognition for individuals.

Could that recognition also happen? Possibly. But that’s not the purpose of the report.

The local A&S officer is now sending reports to a few people. They report to their regional officer, their local seneschal, their Landed Nobility if they have them, and their Baronial or Provincial A&S officer if they have one.

So, as a result of reporting, a name and/or certain projects could be noticed. Recognition could even come from that notice. But it doesn’t mean that it will.

There are ways that we as A&S officers can help people get noticed. We write letters to the Royalty and submit recommendations for polling orders. We write letters to our local newsletters. We post on social media. We talk to people and share good works.

We as A&S officers have the same access to these tools and resources that anyone has.

All of us can write the Royalty. All of us can submit award recommendations. The Royalty may or may not choose to grant an award. Your local Nobility may or may not choose to grant your local group’s award. Awards are just one way for people to receive recognition.

All of us can publish word fame. All of us can sing the praises of our fellow artisans.

That’s how recognition comes about. It’s not from a report.

Recognition comes from people thanking each other and respecting each other. It is from people noticing each other and taking the time to share how they feel.

We can all make that happen.

Remember… Have fun! Learn! Teach!

Your Servant to Command,

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