Name: Temair ingen Muiredaich
Location: Barony Beyond the Mountain
One of the last events I attended before lockdown was the 7th Annual Embroidery Schola in Quintavia. This led to a lockdown journey of embroidery with me attempting many styles. One big “AHA!” moment for me during this time was that not all black work was reversible. Whaaaat??? No really, it’s not all reversible cuffs and collars. No wonder an earlier attempt at blackwork frustrated me so much….In 2021, I saw this course with “counted stitches” and decided to give it a whirl. Blackwork stitches are fabulously easy to do once you understand the order of the stitch placement. There’s a path to figure out and then follow it! What is not fabulously easy is making these lovely stitches fit into odd corners and shapes. We did not spend a lot of time on that in the class and it may show in some areas of the work.
While period blackwork and redwork are generally limited to just black or red (thus the name), learning with other colors helps to separate the stitches (and make a pretty piece). Learning more about blackwork, the stitches (there are so many!) and how to determine the best way to get them onto the fabric was the pursuit of this piece. The spangles hide a bit of the work but add some nice shine so I’ve included a “before spangles” and after.
Link to this piece on my blog:
General link to my blog:
I really enjoyed reading what you learned about blackwork and how to deconstruct the stitch count in a way that was understandable for you. The resulting embroidery is beautiful! I also love how well scaled and precise it is and enjoyed reading your process on your blog. Great display.
-HH Corotica
Thank you!
Wow, that’s gorgeous! I didn’t know about all of the different blackwork stitches (that’s a type of embroidery I have not yet tried), so thank you for educating me!
Very nice work!
Interesting project, and your work is beautiful!