This project is a recreation of the Folio page entitled “The Concourse of the Birds”, 1487. This page is thought to be the final page added to the Mantiq al-tair manuscript, originally created in the Timurid period, Persia. It is estimated that this page was completed around 1600. This minature has a slightly different painting technique than other pages in the Folio due to being added so much later and having been completed by a separate but prominent artist of the time, Habiballah of Sava. The primary purpose of the project was to reflect on the painting technique, as it is unique to the time period and to the rest of the miniatures in the Folio.
A&S Championship and Display 2022: Liadan ingen Chineada

This is amazing. Good job on your entry.
I love illuminating birds so this piece really speaks to me. The blue field is absolutely astounding.
This is so beautiful! It really captures the Timurid Persian style, and I love all that goldwork!
I adore this, what a wonderful project.
Beautiful and well researched.
This is fabulous, great job!
Impressive! When I first saw the image, I thought it was the *original* and I expected to find your version elsewhere. But no, you *made* this wondrous work, with skill and great patience. Well done, indeed!