For Officers

The job of a local Arts & Sciences Minister (MoAS) is to encourage enjoyment and participation in the Arts and Sciences, by helping to organize A&S activities, connecting individuals to resources that can help them learn a new art or progress in their A&S journey, by relaying information from the Kingdom MoAS to local groups, and finally by reporting on the work being done in local groups to regional and kingdom officers.


Local MoAS Officers & Chartered Guild Leaders are required to send a report to Kingdom twice a year: June 1 & December 1.

Reporting Forms & Instructions


EK MoAS Facebook Page – A place to hear MOAS related announcements, ask question, and participate in discussions about A&S activities in the East.
Note: Announcements and official updates will also be sent out via an e-mail distribution list by the Kingdom MoAS using the e-mail address listed in your report.

E-mail List: Your local office e-mail address (or kingdom guild e-mail address) has automatically been subscribed to a discussion list for MoAS Officers,

Office E-mail Address: “moas@branch” is the standard address for every local A&S officer. Some groups have a non-standard address that they use as well, but the kingdom webministry has linked the official alias of “moas@branch”.

Advice for Officers

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