On Historical Martial Arts events in the EK.

Greetings!  Recently, I have noticed that several Historical Martial Arts focused tournaments & events have been scheduled in our kingdom, more so than I have seen in years past. As a result, I want to take a moment to talk about some of these events and how the A&S ministry can support those fencers, fighters and artisans interested in doing more with Historical Martial Arts in the A&S community.

First, for those who may not know, in 2005 society codified some rules for the Study and Education of Historical Combat Techniques within the SCA.

These rules state that their purpose is to “allow for the teaching and demonstration of historical martial arts that may otherwise be prohibited by or beyond the scope of the set of rules as set forth by the Office of the Marshallate.” The document notes that “activities that fall under the purview of the A&S Minister [should] be supported by…research and documentation appropriate…and consistent” with that expected for any other Kingdom A&S Entry.

In short, this document outlines a simple rule, “if it’s free-assault, sparring, or any other form of competitive use of the arts or the practice of weapons, or the Kingdom requires you to authorize in it, then it does not fall under the Ministry of Arts and Sciences.”

What this means in practice is that study of Historic Martial Arts takes place in multiple venues at kingdom events. 1) In martial settings (e.g. the list field) and 2) in A&S settings (e.g. classes & competitions). As a result, there are several ways to engage with the exploration of Historical Martial Arts if you are interested in learning more.

·         In A&S competitions and classes: Entrants may write research papers about historical martial arts systems and the context of arms and armor in past societies. Entrants may also demonstrate and analyze a movement or series of movements presented in a historic martial arts manual.

·         On the list field: Entrants may participate in a By-the-book tournament or a Deed of Arms. These are events where free-sparring using historical techniques do occur, but these activities are supported by research and documentation appropriate to the A&S activities as described above. Entrants are expected to fight wearing appropriate historic attire, often using documentable historic techniques. Sometimes the event itself is held in a period-appropriate manner/setting based on historic tournaments or displays of arms. Please note that all bouting falls under the office of the appropriate marshallette. Rules of the list must be followed in all circumstances in which bouting may occur.

If you are interested in watching or getting more involved with some of these activities, please see the list of events below! 

If you would like to be put in touch with tournament or event organizers, please e-mail moas@eastkingdom.org and I can pass on your message where contact information is not already available on an event posting or link below.



Recent Past Events Include

* By-the-Book Rapier Tournament at Falling Leaves in Carolingia, Sept. 9

* A Deed of Arms, “Benedicta Vita Arma,” Caer Adamant, Sept. 28

Recent Upcoming Events Include

* Art of Combat A&S Challenge at St. Eligius, in the Barony of Dragonship Haven, Nov. 16

* By-the-Book Rapier Tournament at 100 Minutes War, Shire of Rusted Woodlands, Nov. 23

Events Planned for the Spring

* By-the-book Rapier Tournament at War of the Roses

* By-the-book Rapier Tournament at Great North Eastern War.

* Deed of Arms at Great North Eastern War.

Pennsic: Activities have also regularly happened at Pennsic for many years, such as: 

* Deed of Arms, “The Combat of the Thirty” 

* Deed of Arms, The Greatest Tournament”

* By-the-Book Rapier Tournament

* Various classes in the Historical Combat Track at Pennsic University

If there are events that you know of, or are planning yourself, that you would like added to this list, or which you would like help advertising, please e-mail moas@eastkingdom.org

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