Online A&S Display

Greetings Eastern Artisans!

With the various concerns about canceled activities the MOAS office is very happy to announce that we will be hosting an online kingdom-wide Arts & Sciences Display! This will allow artisans to share their work and knowledge with everyone, no matter their location or access to events. Artisans can also ask to be connected with other artisans/teachers in their field for those looking to discuss their art or receive feedback, or artisans can simply share their work with us all.

We are accepting submissions immediately and expect to continue running this for as long as the need exists. We will hopefully have the first submissions up in the next few weeks, so please send me your art!

To display: please send an email to with the information listed below, using “Display” as the subject line:

Art can bring joy to any occasion, please share your art with us all!  
Mistress Elena Hylton, Deputy Minister of A&S

Information to Send for Your Online Display

*SCA Name

*Barony/local group

*Optional – Link to EK wiki page (please consider including a photo of yourself as well if there is not one on your wiki page so that people can see who you are!)

*1-3 photos of your item

*A short description (1-3 paragraphs) of your item and its creation

*Link(s) to any additional information about your item/art (your blog, hand-outs, google doc with more documentation, etc. – anything that you want to share with people!)

*Also, let us know if you would you like to be connected with other artisans in your field by email? If so, what types of connections are you hoping to make (looking for advice, sharing tips/tricks, etc.)

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