Display – The Gryphon Scroll by Lisabetta Medaglia

Lady Lisabetta Medaglia, The Shire of Mountain Freehold
Wiki Page: https://wiki.eastkingdom.org/index.php?title=Lisabetta_Medaglia

This backlog AoA scroll has been called by myself as “The Gryphon Scroll”. I was approached by the Backlog deputy, mentioning to me that they had a fun project involving gryphons (as I absolutely love gryphons!) They mentioned that the recipient, Lady Genievieve de Charbonneau, also loved gryphons and if I wanted to put gryphons in the scroll, I was free to do whatever I like.

The illumination style is based from a French Book of Hours, 1490, with my own touches and flavours to it. I had the opportunity to actually sit down at the Morgan Library and flip through pages of this Book of Hours, taking close-up photos so that I could study the painting and shading details. The illuminated capitals were what really blew my mind, as they were originally about 1 x .5″, but such tiny brush strokes for the shading! Normally, this isn’t the “style” I usually do in my illuminations (I specialize in bar-and-ivy illuminations), but I was so inspired by this manuscript, I wanted to make “The Gryphon Scroll” like this.

And so, this scroll is based on the illuminations from that manuscript, with my own renderings of gryphons throughout the page. The illuminated capital O is also based from the many beautiful capitals from the manuscript, but on a much larger scale, and features Lady Genievieve’s black oppinicus – a type of gryphon that has a long camel’s neck, “mammal” ears (usually a lion’s ears), lion like forelegs, and a camel’s tail. Note: I usually like drawing my own gryphons with lion forelegs rather than eagle talons. This scroll was made on 11×14″ pergamenata, with geniune 24k gold leaf (on arms only), modern gouache, with metallic gold and silver paint.

French Book of Hours (The Morgan Library) MS M. 26: https://www.themorgan.org/manuscript/76884
The Gryphon Scroll (more photos and WIP photos): https://www.facebook.com/lisamedaglia/media_set?set=a.10156487499149872&type=3

6 thoughts on “Display – The Gryphon Scroll by Lisabetta Medaglia

  1. I just adore this, the colors are so vibrant together, and the beasties have the best faces – I want to pet them all!

  2. This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing you gifts with not just the Kingdom here, but for each scroll you have done and will do.

  3. Oh my! 🙂 and I particularly love the detail on the fuzzy one at the bottom. I want to pet him.

  4. Oh my gosh this is gorgeous. The color is rich, succulent. I would love to put this in front of my macrophotography setup and look at the detail work! Thank you for sharing… clearly I need to go make more scribal friends 😀

  5. Holy Moly! I love anything lion related and the gold one on the bottom is just spectacular!

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