Guidelines for Online Display Entries

Please observe the following guidelines when submitting your work for on online display. Online display submissions should be directed to our online display deputy, Richard Heyworth, at

You will need to submit:

Display Information – Details of your entry to be shared on your entrant page (can be short or long). Must be in a text format for copy/paste and not pdf.

If you would like to share links for visitors to visit please include those as well (your blog/personal website/additional photos/additional documentation/etc.).

Optional – Photos – 1-3 images to add to your entrant page – these must be sent as image files and not in a google doc/pdf so that we can upload them to the website. Additionally, all photos must be ones you own the permissions for/show proof they are allowed to be used from the owner.

Optional, Video – for your online display page consider recording a short (2-5 minute) video of you describing your item – this is equivalent to what you might tell a person visiting your entry. Our office can assist with options for recording if needed and file hosting.

Optional, EK Wiki – So that people can identify your face/name, if you have an EK Wiki please include a link to that.

We CANNOT embed pdfs, so please only include a link to one as a google doc in addition to your text. If you want us to host a file for you, please include it in the submission email along with your permission

For some similar examples of entrant pages check out the 2021 Online A&S Competition & Display at

If you have any questions about this process please contact the kingdom minister of A&S at

Thank you so much for sharing your art with our Kingdom!

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